EXTREME NAUGHTY JAPAN Scorpion Tattoo Design
Scorpions are small creatures that have fierce stings. Maybe this is why some people choose to get a scorpion tattoo to show that although they may appear feeble, they can actually hold their ground. Tattoos look awesome in color, but may look tougher in black ink. The choice is yours, but color tattoos often give a softer appearance and add more detail.
Reasons people choose a scorpion tattoo vary. Some get a scorpion portrait because they are a Scorpio, as it relates to horoscopes. Others get the tattoo because a scorpion is a fierce creature, with a tough appearance. The purpose of a tattoo is usually either to represent ones personality, or to show off a neat looking portrait. Often, tattoo artists are able to give the appearance that the scorpion is coming out of your bellybutton or other area on the skin. Without a doubt, the amount of creativity is up to you!
Tattoos represent something about you. A picture of a scorpion inked onto your skin will let others know you mean business. Although scorpions are "tough" looking, they also have a soft side. For instance, some girls have scorpion tattoos on their ankle, which still looks "tough" but adds a soft side to the image as well. A scorpion portrait placed on an arm, shows strength. Guys will often pick a place such as an arm or leg to show they are tough. Using large tattoos is generally considered masculine because the tattoo will cover an entire muscle, instead of being hidden. A tattoo on an ankle, or stomach, is often chosen by girls to show a strong, yet delicate persona.
Since scorpions often live in hot and tough areas, the image of a scorpion shows a person has strength and is able to live through tough moments. This may be why people get scorpion tattoos, to show they are able to make it through difficult situations, and stay strong. The scorpion represents power and force, and proves that size does not matter.

EXTREME NAUGHTY JAPAN Butterfly Tattoo Designs

Common Varieties of Butterfly Tattoo Designs
Butterfly designs can easily be customised to suit the tastes of the wearer by using a variety of different methods. Since the wings are commonly the focus of the butterfly tattoo design, the wings are usually designed using a unique pattern that holds meaning to the person. The pattern that is placed on the wings can modified in any way the person wants. A butterfly tat design pattern can include symbols, initials or even small zodiac signs, in order to make it completely unique to the person who will be wearing it.
Flower Tattoo Designs - Flower Tattoos

The Flower Tribal Tattoo
The Tribal Tattoo
Going down the pages of history, it is quite evident that tattoos are probably as old as the mankind itself. The oldest traces of tattoos found in Egypt in the archaeological records throw lights on it's origin. These tattoos were used by several ancient tribes all over the world. These not only served as accessories to decorate their body but also were symbolic representation of status, strength and vitality. Tribesmen even used tattoos to keep the evil spirit away and heal themselves from certain diseases. Tattoos even depicted a soldier's victory symbolically representing their courage and strength.
Over time, these tattoos have been perceived as tools of adoring oneself. Tattoos may be of varied kinds - flower tattoo, tribal tattoo, animal tattoo, religion tattoo, mural tattoo etc. Tribal tattoos being one of them reminds of the rich cultural heritage. Over years people have been appreciating the art of tribal tattoo and it still continues. They depict a combination of strength and beauty with bold strokes, pointed angels and graceful curves. This rare combination of beauty and strength formed by different shapes and sizes catches the eye of the viewer.
Generally, the embedding of the tribal tattoos is mostly done in the back or on the arm. People express their own identity uniquely using these tribal tattoos. It makes one look classy and of course traditional too. Undoubtedly, it is due to the numerous designs, creativity and the uniqueness of the tribal tattoos that there are still in vogue. They are so varied and carry so many designs of which the dragon, the Scorpio, the phoenix, the snake and the bear are the popular ones. Gone are the days when women used to wear the floral tattoos, rather they now flaunt their cool image with a tribal tattoo.
Tribal tattoos are exemplary art work which depicts the rich culture and even symbolizes beauty and strength together. The blend of tribal tattoo with modern art gives a contemporary look. The tattoo as a fashion trend has driven many youngsters crazy. Getting a tattoo is quick and simple. But for a trendy and safe tattoo, approach a right artist who serves you well and gets you the most appropriate design you wanted. Even make sure that the artist uses a sterilized needle and a tube and makes use of disposable gloves. So what are you waiting for! Join the fashion hub, get an exclusive tribal tattoo and flaunt your cool funky image.
sexy Flower Tattoo Designs
The Truth Behind Flower Tattoo Designs
Flower tattoo designs are actually quite popular among women simply because they can be quite beautiful and they are a great way to express one's femininity. Since the world is full of many different flowers, each flower tattoos symbolizes something different. Regardless of whether you want a tattoo that reminds you of something in your life, or design that marks a new chapter in your life, then a flower tattoo design is a great way to accomplish this. There is plenty of artistic freedom associated with flower tattoos which allows them to be made into something that is unique to you. Here are some of the most common flower tattoo art and their meanings so you can choose the one that means the most to you.
First and one of the most popular is the rose. Many of the old school flower designs incorporate some form of a rose. If you prefer more of an old school flower tat design some roses on their own can accomplish this task. Flower tattoos that include roses are commonly known as one of the more attractive tattoos with red being the most popular color in this flower tattoo design. You also have the option to choose from roses that are in full bloom or rose buds that are most commonly used to symbolize youth and beauty. Some of the most popular colors are pink which represents grace and admiration, red for love and passion and while represents eternal love and innocence. Red is one of the most common colors for this flower design but you are free to choose any color you would like to make this design unique to you.
Second on the popularity scale are cherry blossoms. This flower is very popular in flower tattoo designs and they are commonly seen in Asian style. If you are looking for a flower tat art that flatters a woman's curves than this would be the one since a woman's body, particularly the back, is the perfect canvas for these delicate flowers. In China the cherry blossom symbolizes love and female beauty, while they symbolize the short and sweet nature of life in Japan. The pink color of this flower tattoo design also makes it popular with women.
Third is the lotus flower. This flower tat design is also quite popular and it symbolizes purity. The lotus holds deep meaning in both Buddhism and Eastern culture because a lotus flower has the seeds, roots and petals all at the same time. This flower tattoo design works well in either color or black and white.
Lastly, and no less popular is the lily. While the lily may not be as common as the others in flower tattoos, it is still rich in meaning. The lily can represent innocence, purity, happiness, and even prosperity depending on the type and color of the lily that is chosen.
These are just a few of the most popular Flower Tattoo Designs As with any other tattoo design, take your time when choosing your flower tat design and you are sure to find at least one that is the best possible expression of you.
Best Friend Tattoos - Today's Most Popular Ideas For Friendship Tattoos

Best Friend Tattoos - Today's Most Popular Ideas For Friendship Tattoos
Best Friend Tattoos are a great way to celebrate an important friendship that you want to last forever. Your best friend is someone that holds a special place in your life and for that reason the friendship calls for a special tattoo. Here you will find great ideas for the most popular best friend tattoos today.
If you have a best friend with whom you share a special bond there is no better way to express your feelings and show the world than with a tattoo you share in common.
A very important consideration for a best friend tattoo is to think about what may happen in the future, if for some reason the friendship ends. You do not want to be left with a tattoo that brings back memories that are unwanted. But that won't happen...right. For this reason you may want to go for a design that would stand equally well on its own. Also, a tattoo of the best friends face, birthday, name or initials may not be the best idea.
Once you and your friend have agreed to get a tattoo together you will need to decide:
1. Do you want a want a matching tattoo?
2. Do you want a symbol that represents something significant with your friendship?
3. Do you want a tattoo that is split in half-where each person wears one half of the whole tattoo? This type of tattoo makes the statement that together you are one and complete each other.
There are lots of places to get ideas for best friend tattoos. Meeting with different tattoo artists can be helpful. They can help you brainstorm and come up with creative designs. Another idea is to join a tattoo forum where you can share ideas and pictures with others just like yourself that have or are looking for this type of tattoo.
There are countless numbers of tattoos that will work for best friends. Here are some popular ideas for you to consider:
Celtic knot tattoo-symbolizing eternity with all the lines weaving together in an intricate endless loop, this is very popular for friends. This is also considered to represent the union of two souls.
Single yellow rose tattoo-the yellow rose is a symbol for friendship.
Yin and yang tattoos-these tattoos have their roots as Chinese symbols but now have become a universal symbol for complimentary opposites.
Peace symbols-for the peace loving personalities, this symbol had its origin in the 1960's during the hippie movement and are very popular.
Chinese and Japanese language characters that stand for friendship are one of the top choices today for best friends.
One half of a song lyric or quote you both enjoy-each person wears the other half so together they are one.
Stick friends holding hands.
Devil and an angel tattoos-representing your opposite sides, yet at times, complimentary personalities.
Star tattoos are extremely popular today between friends. You can do so much with stars in terms of colors, sizes and points. A creative idea is to for each person to have a trail of shooting stars-one trailing to the left and the other to the right.
Zodiac signs are popular-you might want to consider wearing your own zodiac sign just in case the friendship ever breaks up.
The infinity symbol-consider using the infinity symbol alone or as the center of a tattoo with more design around it. Anything with the infinity symbol will be a representation of something that lasts for ever.
A Claddagh tattoo-This is the Irish symbol for love and friendship and makes a very popular tattoo for best friends. It is depicted as two hands holding a heart with a crown on top. It has a very powerful meaning: "with my two hands I give you my heart, and crown it with my love."
Tribal Art Tattoo - How to Find the One for You

Choosing the right tribal art tattoo varies from selecting a random design that you think looks good, to actually researching the meaning behind a particular tribal art tattoo. Here are two ways to choose a tribal art tattoo for you:
1. Choose randomly a tribal art tattoo. This tends to be the most common method individuals use, and it's unfortunate for a number of reasons. There has been a heavy trend towards tribal art tattoo designs in the past ten years, and many have hopped on the bandwagon, gone out and randomly chose a picture of tribal tattoo they thought was "cool". Had it not been trendy they wouldn't have ever thought to choose a tribal art tattoo to place on their body. These type of tattoo decisions are where regret later sets in after the trend wears off. Many feel foolish after realizing how "un-unique" their tattoo is while seeing everyone else with the same tribal art tattoo on their body.
2. Choosing meaning in your tribal art tattoo. Finding meaning when looking for a tribal art tattoo, can be done out of a rationalization that this will somehow justify hopping on the trendy tribal bandwagon. If you truly are after significance in your ink then do your due diligence, but if your a trend hopper then just hop on and be done with it.
Fortunately for those seeking symbols or meaning, searching for a tribal art tattoo, can be very rewarding and exciting. You can begin by researching the various tribes and finding a picture of a tribal art tattoo, and learn the meaning behind it. Native Indian, North American Indian, Pacific Northwest American Indian, Indigenous, African, Egyptian, Mayan, Aztec, Hawaiian, Samoan, Maori, South Pacific, Micronesian, Polynesian, Melanesian, are but a few tribal tattoo art designs to look into.

Top Stylish sexy Tribal Tattoos For 2009

Some people would find it a great way to pamper themselves by placing different forms of body art, and some of them are tribal tattoos. These awesome masterpieces come in unique designs, colors, patterns, and of course symbolism. But the common dilemma that most tattoo fanatics would encounter is choosing the perfect design that would represent them.
There are dozens of tattoo designs, and many of them were crafted since ancient times. People of different tribes and culture have dedicated much effort crafting a design that would be uniquely theirs. In fact, most of these ancient designs have been used by many generations of tattoo artists and fanatics, but their symbolism remains the same.
Yes, it is not easy to opt which tattoo will fit you. But to ease the problem, here are some great notes to describe some of the famous tribal tattoos.
Celtic tattoos
These are from the early inhabitants of Europe, and these are often tedious to apply because of their complex designs and patterns. But the end product is incredible, indeed one would exclaim, "It's a marvellous work of art!"
The design would be composed of circles and zigzag lines. Each figure on the picture has its own color, making the entire image attractive to look at. One of the most famous Celtic tattoo designs is the crucifix that has several images and pattern contained in it. It looks like a Mosaic art, but if one will try to look at it closely, he will notice that the designs are very detailed, even if these have miniature size.
Aztec tattoos
From the early inhabitants of the American continent come these extraordinary tribal images. Although not that easy to punch on the skin also because of its complicated figure, Aztec tattoos are pleasing to the eyes. What make these unique from other styles that the central picture can be described clearly, despite some curves and lines drawn around it. Most of these are multihued, making it more attractive.
Aztec tattoos are usually representations of ancient gods and goddesses, and concrete symbols are used to represent them, such as the sun, stars, eagles, and other massive creatures. Aside from its religious relevance, these tattoos have also other representations, such as power, loyalty, and valour.
Maori tattoos
Ancient people from the land down under have also created their own forms of body art. Specifically from the Maori people of New Zealand comes the simplest but the most sought after tribal tattoo design nowadays.
Maori tattoos come in single color of black, and the pattern is mainly composed of curves and lines that are usually arranged in a spiral motion. The size depends on the spot in the body to be placed. If it is at the back, the size of the design may be increased to cover the entire surface area. If it is on the arm, the tattoo artist would usually take advantage of the spiral motion to wrap it around the arm.
The Real Beauty of a Flower Tattoo Design

The Real Beauty of a Flower Tattoo Design
Flower tattoo designs definitely deserve to be among the top ten of the most beloved tattoos in body-art history. That is because flowers, like just a few other things, are perfect subjects for any tattoo artist and wonderful artworks for any tattoo lover.
People choose to get flower patterns on their body primarily because of their beauty, which is also the reason why they are so much beloved by tattooists. How many kinds of flowers do you know? There are so many, so different from each other and all so beautiful and colourful - it is easy to understand why they are so popular.
As any other symbol of beauty and elegance, flower tattoo designs are commonly considered feminine tattoos. Just as butterfly tattoo designs, flower tattoos are coloured symbol for delicacy, joy, love... not really what a "real man" would wish to wear for the rest of his life. Nonetheless, flowers tattoos are often chosen by men for the meanings they carry.
As a matter of facts, flowers are not only wonderful designs: each flower has a different symbolic meaning, allowing different people, men or women, to express their individual personality.
For many people, flowers tattoos are symbols of life. They are often seen as a representation of the cycle of life: people see them growing, living and eventually dying. The feeling of death, of something beautiful but in some way always about to end, make flowers even more fascinating, making them beautiful but, at the same time, melancholic symbols.
Tattoos are usually there to express something personal. A rose tattoo design usually express love or passion, but it could have a completely different meaning to me, representing something or someone important in my life. However, it is not bad to know something about the general meanings of flower tattoos.
As said, rose usually express love and passion, but not if they are white. The great thing about flowers is that any detail could change the whole meaning of a tattoo. White roses usually express purity or friendship among women. With a sword through it, a rose symbolize a dangerous love.Girls' Lower Back Tattoos - A Tattoo With Sex Appeal

Girls' Lower Back Tattoos - A Tattoo With Sex Appeal
For over a decade now, the lower back has been a very popular region for girls to get tattooed. Lower back tattoos are sexy and feminine. They highlight the female body's natural curves and draw attention to all the right places. Lower back tattoo designs will probably never go out of style for this reason. Show them off with tank tops and low-rise jeans, and you'll get them noticed for sure.
Many unique and cool lower back tattoo designs are available. Check out flash art displayed at a local studio or check online for image galleries. Flowery designs that blossom outward are a great choice for backs: think of lotus blossoms, roses, tulips, orchids, cherry blossoms, and so on. Other tattoos with mystical or religious properties look good on the lower back. If you're interested in a certain ancient culture then tap into their mythology for inspiration.
Script on the lower back is becoming increasingly popular right now, especially writings in Eastern languages. Chinese characters or Arabic script are very cool choices. Buddhist-inspired designs, like Hindu writing and laughing Buddha figures, all come from Eastern culture. Possibly consider a written prayer or traditional chant in its original language that is meaningful to you personally.
Animals remain a popular choice, from small images of a butterfly to an oversized Bengal tiger tattoo on the back. Other animals often chosen are hummingbirds, horses, unicorns, dolphins, and so on. Other designs like shooting stars and angel wings are very beautiful and awe-inspiring tattoos. Lower back tattoos are compatible with almost any design, but look especially nice with images like dragons, flowers, butterflies, and Celtic crosses.
Inserting a word or phrase into an intricate design is also popular. It may not be noticeable at first glance, but incorporating a unique sentiment like "Pride" or "Faith" into a floral or tribal design personalizes the tattoo it and makes it yours.
Before you get your tattoo done for real, take it for a test drive with a temporary tattoo. You'll get the feel for life with a tattoo if you do this first. Make sure that you wear loose clothing to the tattoo studio so the tattoo artist can easily get at the area you want tattooed, and so that clothing isn't irritating your tattoo area after it is all done. Friction slows healing and can lead to infection.
For women, the most common area for tattoos is probably the lower back and for good reason. Lower back tattoos are very sexy and feminine, accentuating curves and creating the body into a beautiful canvas.
Beautiful and Amazing Stylish Tattoo Ideas For Girls

Beautiful and Amazing Stylish Tattoo Ideas For Girls
Many designs and images are yet to be discovered. The only medium that can provide an extreme head-to-toe makeover for a person is tattooing: The experience is much like repainting a car, except that tattoos are much more specifically targeted per area on the body. Examples of the most prominent designs available for women are remarkable in the quality of their artistic expression.
Of the best designs that have a place in tattoo culture, some of the more popular images are butterflies in motion, a female figure seeming to emerge from the hand, celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe flying while holding a heart-shaped balloon, a fire-breathing belly button dragon, and a clawing tiger on the arm. These are all worthwhile images. Even more samples seen are a Celtic design on the belly, Biblical passages on the back or leg, a tablet of Egyptian hieroglyphics, or even a treasure map, which can be a bit of clever fun for a woman.
In addition, others that have made the ink scene include Buddha laughing, roses, superwomen, angels, fairies, Zodiac signs, shooting stars, Chinese characters, and dolphins on a woman's body. The optimal signs are those like devil wings, flowing blood, and faux broken ribs. Other commonalities, once reserved for men, are the classic biker tats: Death and demons, barbed wire, evil babies, wizardry symbols, and eagles.
The location of a tattoo on a woman retains a lot of meaning. An image on the lower back, for instance, can help accentuate a girl's curves, while others can add to her glamor or provide an erotic quality.Find the Best Perfect Dragon Tattoo Designs for girls

If you've spent a great deal of time searching for the best dragon tattoo design on the Internet then you've probably had your fair share of frustrating moments; however, there are ways in which you can find exactly what you're looking for; and then some, over the Internet.
The majority of people in the world have probably relied upon using Google, MSN or Yahoo to find what they're looking for because it's the most logical method to use. This could be a first step for many people searching for tattoos but finding some of the best tattoo artwork in the business will not be discovered this way alone. The reason for this is because search engines were basically designed to categorize and search through data, and this is what they're good at doing. However, what they weren't created to do, and will probably never be capable of doing is searching through, organizing and spitting out the best dragon tattoo artwork in the business.
If you go about conducting a simple search for dragon tattoo designs then you're subject to be bombarded with a slew of information pertaining to dragon tattoos including but not limited to, the history of tattoos, their signification, locations for finding them but a limited amount of information on great tattoo designs. If you are lucky to come across ones that are considered to be top notch, they've probably been around for ages and are currently being used by a host of other people which poses the question: Is there any place online where could find original, unique and high quality dragon tattoos or dragon tattoos that haven't been tampered with?
As a matter of fact, there is. If you're capable of tapping into some of the tattoo forums which have made their presence over the Internet then you're subject to also discover that there's an enormous amount of users who are actually tattoo artists. They make it a habit of uploading some of their finest artwork just for the purpose of getting feedback and this is an excellent way of getting your hands on literally thousands of fresh artwork before anyone else.
And if that doesn't peak your interest, if you take a look into the archive section of most of these blogs, you'll discover that there are links to some of these users favorite tattoo art galleries over the Internet. It would be virtually impossible to not find a dragon tattoo that meets your qualifications of the best because these places are absolute goldmines for locating fine tattoo designs.
Heart, Butterfly and Star Tattoos - Small and Cute Feminine Tattoo For Girls

Heart, butterfly and star tattoos are great designs to start with if you are a girl, a tattoo newbie or both. For one, tattoos are permanent so a simple way to test whether you can live with it or not is to begin with these cute and small ink styles that are beautiful and attractive as well.
Small tattoos like heart, butterfly and stars are usually found inked on the wrist, foot, lower back, ankle, back of neck or ear. Considering the fact that they are tattooed on a smaller scale, a cleaner and simpler look typically works best as it will leave enough space for everything to be seen clearly. Intricate look and lots of details might not be appropriate for small tattoos like these.
Heart, butterfly and star tattoos look wonderful and are universally cool symbols. They can be very feminine both in their appearance and the symbolical meaning attached to them. The heart is a symbol of the females that is often used as an expression of romantic love. Butterfly represents change or transformation and rebirth while star is considered a symbol of truth, of the spirit and of hope.
Another favorable thing about small tattoos with miniature designs is the fact that they are inexpensive to get done. Just remember to go to a reputable tattoo studio to make sure that you will go through the proper tattooing process. There are lots of risks involved such as infections so make sure you do your research of a good tattoo artist before you decide on getting one.

Sexy MONTOX Tattoos - Hot, Sexy Tattoo Designs For Females

Have you been thinking about getting a sexy tattoo inked somewhere on your body? If you have, then you are not alone as many women both young and old are looking to the internet searching for sexy tattoos.
These day's women have different opinions on the type of tattoo design which they consider sexy. In this article I will discuss a few tattoo designs in particular which continue to remain a popular choice amongst females.
Here are my picks for 3 sexy tattoos for females:
Sexy Ankle Tattoos -
Ankle Tattoos have remained a popular choice of tattoo for females over the past few years and are considered by many to be very sexy. These tattoos are often inked in the areas from the lower calf all the way down to the ankle and come in a variety of different designs - such as ankle band tattoos, and ankle rose tattoos. Ankle tattoos are popular amongst females, mainly because they are easy to hide if necessary i.e. in a work place where tattoos are not allowed, but also shown off when you want it to be - such as by wearing sandals.
Sexy Small Tattoos -
Small tattoos are another favorite amongst females, especially stars, butterflies, fairies and love heart tattoos. People think that small tattoo designs may be hard to notice and not have an impact, but this is not true. Small tattoo designs, placed in the right area of your body can have a huge impact and are an extremely sexy tattoo choice.
Sexy Lower Back Tattoos -
The lower back area of the female body is considered an incredibly sexy area and therefore perfect for a sexy tattoo design. Here are some ideas for a lower back tattoo: a tribal design, a butterfly or fairy with its wings spread out. Other suggestions are an image of a rose or love hearts inked in red.

Sexy Butterfly Tattoos For Women

Sexy Butterfly Tattoos For Women
We've all seen tattoos of butterflies. There are the delicate, small, rounded shape ones like the white butterflies. There are the large, intricate style butterflies that look like their wings are made of stained glass such as the monarch butterfly. Some have long extensions on the hind wings like the swallowtails. They are all beautiful. Butterfly tattoos look especially sexy on women. They are fragile, lightweight insects with strikingly beautiful colors. They exemplify the female form and should be worn proudly. Women love beautiful things. Women and butterflies belong together.
Both women and butterflies have wonderful, curvy forms. They both have delicate, soft texture and are very pleasing to the eye. The fact that the butterfly tattoo can be any size is also important. You can have a small tattoo on the ankle or hip bone. You can place a larger butterfly on the shoulder or above the breast. Or... you can choose to ink a very large butterfly tattoo in the middle of your lower back. Just about any place on the body will work for such a beautiful tattoo.
One of the main reasons that butterflies make sexy tattoos for women are the choice of colors. You can pretty much ink a butterfly in ANY color. Choose colors to match your eyes, or hair. Some of these colors are almost iridescent. Also, look at the designs on some butterflies. Many look as if the wings are a large face with eyes. This choice of color and design is what lends the butterfly tattoo to so many different types of women.
Don't forget to think about the pose of the butterfly. It can be flying, perched on a branch, both wings up and together (when they are at rest), or grouped together in a field of flowers.
Before inking a tattoo of a butterfly on your body, spend some time looking at butterfly websites for the the perfect style you like. Choose the color, shape, design, size, pose, placement etc. All of these aspects come into play when creating a sexy tattoo. There are so many to choose from - you want to make the right decision. When you have chosen exactly what you want then you are ready to have the butterfly tattoo design inked on your body.